Wednesday, 28 August 2013

The benefits of teaching with an interactive whiteboard...

1. Who has used an interactive white board?
2. How has this benefited your teaching experience and efficiency?


 “Interactive Whiteboards and Learning”:
Smart technologies. (2006, March). Interactive Whiteboards and Learning. Retrieved September 2013, from Smarttech:

Online and Digital Maths games

      Do online and digital maths games play a role in motivation, attitude and success of a learner's maths ability at school? Please add your comments, opinions and views (there is no right or wrong answer, go for it!) 

Some reading on the subject: 

 “Games as formative assessment environments: examining the impact of explanations of scoring and incentives on math learning, game performance, and help seeking.”:
Delacruz, G. (2011, June). Games as formative assessment environments: Examining the impact of explanations of scoring and incentives on math learning, game performance, and help seeking. Retrieved September 2013, from Ucla Edu:


This blog is a University Project for the course educational psychology, I will be posting information on "incorporating technology in the classroom" please contribute and add your insight and experience where you see fit. Hopefully this can be a learning experience for all. Enjoy the posts!